2023-24 Principal Series

11 Monthly Webinars on hot topics for prINCIPALS

Each webinar will be held from 12:00-1:00 CT. Cost is $1,200 per school district for the entire series, $150 per individual session.

August 29, 2023 - Technology Issues Facing Principals

Chat GPT.  New social media apps.  Recent Supreme Court cases.  Nothing will make a principal long for last summer like dealing with digital citizenship issues.  This session will lead principals of all grade levels through the must-know legal issues for dealing with students, staff and the public’s use (and misuse) of technology.

September 11, 2023 -  Probie Evaluations

We firmly believe that instructional leadership is the most important job you have as a principal.  That is why about half of our R&R sessions are focused on teacher evaluation and how to lead staff through the improvement process.    And although we are not experts in instructional methods and pedagogical practice, we have strong opinions about how administrators need to communicate their expectations to teachers and the legal implications of doing it well versus poorly.

This session will focus specifically on probationary teachers.  The KSB attorneys will cover: 

  • What it means to be a probationary teacher in Nebraska and counting toward tenure

  • The legal requirements for a probationary evaluation 

  • Suggestions for how to clearly communicate expectations for classroom management, instructional practice and personal/professional characteristics  

October 17, 2023 - Special Education Primer 

Although all educators will have some experience with special education students, the legal requirements change once you become a principal.  This session will provide an overview of the specific special education that principals must know, including:

  • The role of “LEA representative” in an IEP meeting 

  • Discipline of students with disabilities

  • Expectations for both special education and general education staff in dealing with students’ IEPs

November 28, 2023 - Improvement Plans 

The second personnel session will focus specifically on how to craft an improvement plan that is actually designed to help a teacher improve.  The KSB attorneys will cover: 

  • Legal requirements for improvement plans

  • Resources to offer teachers in the improvement process that have actually helped teachers improve 

  • How to hold both the teacher and the principal accountable in the improvement process

  • Timelines for plans  

December 12, 2023 - Dealing with P*ssed off parents/patrons - 

When KSB lawyers read posts on social media about “mamma bears” and “pappa wolves” we invariably say to each other “that poor school principal.”  It seems that schools have become the outlet for parents to discharge their anxiety about their children and frustration with their families.  More family law matters are litigated in principals’ offices than district courts.  No matter how good your communication skills are, you will benefit from an understanding of the law and the strategies and tactics that we will discuss in this session.  Topics will include: 

  • Dealing with child custody orders and divorce decrees

  • How to protect your staff from high maintenance parents

  • When and how to use “stay away letters” and “communication diets”

January 16, 2024 - Tenured Evaluations 

Even if you are an experienced principal, evaluating tenured teachers can be a little intimidating.  And the different ways districts structure tenured evaluation can also pose unique challenges for tenured evaluations.  This session will cover: 

  • What it means to be a tenured teacher in Nebraska 

  • Legal requirements for tenured staff professional growth hours

  • Legal requirements for a tenured evaluation 

  • Suggestions for how to offer constructive praise to experienced staff as well as how to communicate clearly about areas for improvement   

February 20, 2024 - Termination and Nonrenewal 

In a perfect world, all of the work principals do in evaluation and remediation of staff would make it unnecessary for you to ever have to recommend the nonrenewal or termination of a teacher contract.  However, the reality is that at some time in your career as a principal, you will need to consider discharging a certificated employee.  This session will cover: 

  • The timelines for nonrenewal and termination

  • The legal standards for nonrenewal, termination, and cancellation

  • How contract cancellation differs from nonrenewal and termination

  • An overview of the process so you can know what to expect when facing nonrenewal/termination proceedings  

March  12, 2024 - FERPA 

Many of us at KSB are old enough to remember when the threat of having something placed “in your permanent file” was enough to make students stop and think.  However, in a digital world, students and staff are much less clear about what constitutes a student’s “file” and what protections apply to those records.  This will cover: 

  • What constitutes a “student record”

  • The steps that a principal must take before sharing student records with staff and contractors

  • Parents’ rights to access FERPA-protected records

  • What to do with student records during health and safety emergencies  

April 16, 2024 - Section 504 

Section 504 has been the subject of several recent US Supreme Court cases.  Not surprisingly, this means parents and advocates now demand more for students with 504 plans.  However, it also means that principals must be aware of 504 issues that arise with special education students.  This session will cover:

  • Expanded eligibility rules under Section 504

  • Discipline of students with Section 504 plans

  • Access to extracurricular activities for disabled students

May 14, 2024 - Policies and Handbooks 

Now that you’ve gotten the students and staff out of the building, it is time for one last big project.  This session will identify the policies that every principal should review and possibly discuss with the superintendent and board at the June board meeting.   We will also talk about the process for reviewing and revising student, staff and extracurricular handbooks. 

June 4, 2023 - Checklist for starting the 2024-25 school year 

All too often KSB attorneys say something like, “this is one of those things you cover at your back-to-school inservice, right?”  This session will get you a jump on the 2024-25 school year, by discussing all of the things you should be sure to do as school starts in August.  Topics that will be addressed include: 

  • Required notices which must be posted or delivered 

  • Required training for staff, administrators and students

  • Topics you should cover with staff at the start of the year

  • Topics you should cover with students at the start of the year

Attendees will receive a checklist with all the items that KSB attorneys recommend principals cover at the beginning of each school year and related documents.