Q&A Webinar with KSB, TGIF . . . FCRA!


When: Friday, March 19, 2021 at 9:00 AM 

Where: ZOOM (Info below)

What: (The last?!) COVID Q&A

It’s been nice that things are getting somewhat back to “normal”.  We’re loving coming to your buildings for staff inservices, digital citizenship presentations, and more!  However, we know issues are still popping up around COVID-specific questions.  This Friday, we’re going to host another in our series of COVID Q&A Webinars. We will also answer any questions you have.  We plan to cover the following topics briefly, then open things up for questions:

  • New stimulus package (including CARES and FFCRA updates)

  • Mask mandates, DHMs, etc.

  • Title IX and LGBTQ+ Executive Order