Q&A with KSB . . . Again!


Did you miss the webinar live? The recording is below!

When: Monday, September 13, 2021 at 9:00 AM CT

Where: ZOOM (Info below)


The good news is that we’ve made it almost a month into the 2021-22 school year.  The bad news is that COVID questions continue to dog administrators and board members.  Based on recent developments on the state and federal levels, this coming Monday, we’re going to host another Q&A in our series of COVID Webinars.  We are sure your boards will have questions at their September meetings, and we want to give you the answers to share with them. Among other topics we’ll cover:

  • The Executive Order that President Biden announced on Thursday 

  • Whether a school can require masks and enforce mask rules despite what Governor Ricketts and Governor Noem think

  • Schools’ obligations and ability to conduct contact tracing and require quarantines without local directives  being in place 

  • Staff leave now that FFCRA is long gone

  • Accommodation requests from employees and students  

  • We will also field questions from everyone who cares to ask them

As with our previous COVID webinars, there is no charge for this webinar, as we want to support schools in any way we can as you navigate this never-ending pandemic.