KSB School Law is now offering a 2022-2023 webinar series called the “Practical Pointers Series” for South Dakota Superintendents, Principals, and Business Managers.  

Please fill out the form to the right to register for some or all of the webinar offerings.  All webinar fees will appear on a monthly bill sent to your district.  Districts can register for the following options: 

  • a single session ($100 per school per session), 

  • a segment which consists of four webinars (ex. Only the Business Manager segment is $350 per school per segment), or

  • the full series, which includes access to all twelve webinars ($1,000 per school).  

Registration includes the live webinar and a copy of all slides and materials used in the webinar.  Live webinars will be held every third Wednesday of the month from 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M.  These will be posted to a secure website so you can access them at any time.


Alpha and Omega: Beginning and End of Employment Documents - August 17, 2022

FLSA - November 16, 2022

FMLA - April 19, 2023

Procurement and Bidding - July 19, 2023


They can’t say that . . . can they? - September 21, 2022

Checking Every Box: Student Discipline/Manifestation - December 21, 2022

Evaluations, Improvement Plans and Terminations - March 15, 2023

Dealing with Pi*ssed Off Parents and Patrons: June 21, 2023

superintendent segment 

Open Meetings and Conflicts of Interest - October 19, 2022

What Your Business Manager Wants You to Know - January 11, 2023

Special Education Primer - February 15, 2023

Policy and Handbook Development - May 17, 2023

Click here for the detailed descriptions of what will be covered in each session!