ppaca reporting: 2021 edition!

When and Where: KSB will host its annual PPACA 1094-C and 1095-C reporting workshop from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. The cost will be $250/school. The webinar will be conducted via Zoom, and all participants will be able to ask questions during and after the presentation over Zoom.  All registrants will receive a copy of the slides, materials used in the webinar, and this year’s version of the instructions and forms, plus IRS documents establishing affordability, reporting deadlines, etc.

What We'll Cover: Whether you're a new business official or someone who has been doing the reporting for years, you know PPACA can seem like a foreign language, especially all of the reporting obligations! Beginning in December 2015, we have conducted an annual PPACA reporting workshop to bring you up to speed or introduce you to these requirements. If the words "1095-C" and "lines 14, 15, and 16" don't ring a bell, you're either new or have tried to forget it since last year.

We'll start with a quick refresher and update on what the Biden Administration has said and done that could impact your compliance.  The bulk of the presentation will be similar to past years, where we dig back into the PPACA reporting requirements, forms, and deadlines.  We'll go through the forms (1094-C and 1095-C) line-by-line and explain the various coding options and data you’ll need to ensure your reporting is accurate.  Even if your software company runs these reports for you, you will have to know and understand the reporting obligations and double check the forms for accuracy. Remember, these forms are what the IRS uses to determine your compliance with PPACA (and assess penalties)!

Finally, we'll have plenty of time during and after the presentation to talk through how to report on common and unique employees.


Please fill out the form below to register.  All webinar fees will appear on your regular monthly bill.  If you have questions, please contact Shari Russell at shari@ksbschoollaw.com.