2022-23 Superintendent and Business Manager Series

11 Monthly Webinars that Address The Fiscal Issues That Nebraska School Districts Struggle With The Most

These sessions are designed for both superintendents and business managers. Each webinar will be held from 12:00-1:00 CT. Cost is $1,200 per school district for the entire series, $150 per individual session

September 21, 2022 - Alpha and Omega: Beginning and End of Employment Documents

This session will review the myriad documents that you must gather, complete and keep on file for all of your employees.

October 17, 2022 - How Superintendents and Business Officials can Jumpstart the Collective Bargaining Process

Almost no school administrator looks forward to negotiating collective bargaining agreements. However, the wise investment of time and thought now can make the process run much more smoothly. This session will also include suggestions on how to make hiring new staff for the 23-24 school year easier.

November 21, 2022 - Floundering, Lost, Stumped, and Aggravated: That’s what FLSA stands for, right?

The Fair Labor Standards Act dates back to the Great Depression, but that doesn't mean it is well understood by school staff. This session will address the biggest headaches that superintendents and business officials face with FLSA compliance and will offer some practical options to solve these intractable issues.

December 13, 2022 - Records, records everywhere Part 1: Public Records

Trust us, we know that a four part series on school records is not sexy. But throughout the past two school years, the Nebraska Attorney General reports receiving more complaints surrounding records than they ever have received before. This series of sessions will address each sub-topic surrounding school records in a bite-size chunk, that will help you deal with these issues with a minimum of drama.

January 11, 2023 - Records, records everywhere Part 2: Student Records

February 13, 2023 - Records, records everywhere Part 3: Staff Records

March 14, 2023 - Records, records everywhere Part 4: Records Retention

April 12, 2023 - The FMLA: What your School Attorney Wants you to Know

FMLA claims continue to increase, as does confusion surrounding when and how employees can access this form of unpaid leave. This session will separate fact from fiction and give you practical decision steps to follow about when to offer FMLA leave and how to document and administer it.

May 11, 2023 - The Retirement System's interaction with Extended Contracts, Extracurriculars and Substitute Teachers

Although nothing can aggravate superintendents and business officials more than NPERS compliance, we really are all on the same team. This session will address three big potential points of conflict between schools and the retirement system and will offer practical solutions to each issue

June 20, 2023 - Burning a Hole in Your Pocket: Procurement and Bidding

Even your most tax-adverse patron understands that schools need to procure stuff to operate, but the maze of state and federal procurement rules can create all sorts of issues for schools facing public scrutiny. This session will sort through the requirements for federally-funded programs (school nutrition, special education, Title I) as well as those programs that are funded with state and local tax dollars.

July 11, 2023 - Q&A

All of the Rookie & Refresher webinars will have lots of time for questions and discussion, but in this final session, we will throw the doors open to participants. Attendees will have a chance to reflect on what went well during the school year and what areas should be a focus for growth. The KSB attorneys will also ask:

What did we leave out that you want to know?

What questions do you have?