23-24 Quarterly Webinars Offered by KSB

After some delay, and waiting to see what the Federal Government was going to do, we’ve decided to go forward with our Quarterly Webinar Series.  As in the past these will be from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM central. We will also record the webinars and make them available with the materials if you are not able to join us live.  More details on the dates and topics are below.  You can use THIS LINK to register. 

November 28, 2023

Where is Tom Osborne When We Need Him? Mastering the Option (Enrollment)

For years, the Huskers stymied opponents with the deceptively simple triple option.  A well practiced quarterback can read a defense and make strategic decisions as a play unfolds.  Nebraska’s option enrollment program can be similarly deceptive in that the law seems simple, but can be complex when it is actually applied.  The Unicameral’s most recent changes to the option enrollment statutes have created even more subtle complexity that has caused confusion within the education community.  This webinar will explain the option enrollment statutes with the speed of Ahman Green, the tenacity of Cory Schlesinger and the dazzle of Tommy Frasier.

*Participants will receive access to updated option enrollment forms, including capacity resolutions, revised option policies and response letters.

January 17, 2024

What To Do While Counting Down from 504: Strategies to Comply Now to Get Ready to Comply Later

The training that Nebraska schools have most frequently requested for the 2023-24 school year is a review of the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.  This is perfectly understandable, given the explosion of parent requests for accommodations and the crisis of poor student mental health.  We all anxiously await the release of the revised 504 regulations from the US Department of Education.  However, schools that have solid compliance processes applying the current regulations will be miles ahead in getting ready to comply with the new regs.  This quarterly webinar will provide three hours of practical advice on how to comply with Section 504 using lots of real world examples, including advice on how to best utilize the new 504 forms from SRS.  

March 20 , 2024

Knock knock 

Who's there? 


FERPA who? 

Sorry, I can't tell you that.... 

The Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act has been in effect since the 1970’s – a decade known for hippies, protests, drug use and litigation in schools.  In other words, the more things change, the more things stay the same.  However, FERPA predates email, social media, apps, and other technology common in public education today. KSB’s attorneys will explain how schools can balance FERPA’s requirements with the complex information demands of today.  We’ll detail FERPA considerations when districts interact with law enforcement, use video and security recordings in the discipline context, and operate in an era where parents and other stakeholders expect instant information. 

June 25, 2024

Dude, Where are My Regulations? Unpacking the Current (and New?) Title IX Regulations

All of the legal and political experts insist that the new [new] Title IX regulations will be released before the end of the 2023-24 school year.  These new regulations forecast significant changes to the definition of sex harassment and the process that schools must follow to investigate allegations of sex harassment.  They will also likely include issues surrounding LGBQTI+ students, including students who want to participate in sports and other extracurricular activities.  Every member of a school district's Title IX team should plan on attending this session.