
Every year has its challenges and its ups and downs, but we’re going out on a limb to say 2020 will always hold a special place in our hearts.  COVID here.  COVID there.  Seems like COVID’s everywhere!  FFCRA you say?  Same to you!  But just in case you’ve forgotten already, here is a rundown of 2020.

 Title IX.  School’s open.  School’s closed.  Remote learning.  In person learning.  You can’t fire me because I’m gay!  What the hell’s a Wuhan?  Executive orders.  Directed health measures.  Local health departments.  The CDC.  Are we playing this season?  Impeachment.  MAGA hats at school and in the classroom.  Confederate flags.  BLM.  An Election.  Cleaning and sanitizing.  So much cleaning and sanitizing!  Masks.  I can’t wear a mask.  I don’t want to wear a mask.  Am I supposed to sneeze in my mask?  Face shields.  Plexiglass protectors.  So much social distancing and isolation that even Steve introverts and the anti-social are saying “WTF?”  PPP.  PPE.  Getting paid not to work.  Not getting paid enough to work.  Regular sick leave.  Emergency sick leave.  I’m out of sick leave!!!  Where the hell are all of the substitute teachers?  Early retirements.  Regular retirements.  So many superintendent openings!  Title IX.  Anti-maskers.  Anti-vaxxers.  Parents demanding to be paid for “teaching” their kids.  Parents realizing educators truly deserve a raise after only one week at home with e-learning.  SROs.  Rule 62 petitions.  RIP RBG.  The Zooms and webinars.  Sweet baby Jesus; how many video sessions were there in 2020?  Virtual classrooms.  Kids not showing up for e-learning.  Kids turning off their cameras.  People not realizing their camera is still on and doing . . . non-camera things!  “You’re on mute.”  The Unicameral - it’s always something!  Is it Bobby with a “y” or Bobbi with an “i”?  Which bathroom should he, she, or they use?  Did we mention Title IX?

 But there was one constant positive this year.  The teachers, administrators, board members, classified staff members, school volunteers, and other educators being there each and every day, making the best of a bad situation, and supporting the students and their education.  From all of us at KSB, we say THANK YOU!  And whether you are celebrating Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Las Posadas, Winter Solstice, Chinese New Year, Ōmisoka, Boxing Day, Bodhi Day, Hogmanay, or something else, please have a safe and happy holiday season!  But to you, 2020, we say Happy Festivus!  You had best get ready for the Airing of Grievances!  And then we’re off to 2021!