Call Me, Beep Me If You Wanna Reach Me: The Best Way to Contact Your School Lawyer

(For all the school administrators who love the pop culture references we bake into these blog posts, we hope you enjoy the Kim Possible reference; for you old geezers Steve, click here.)  One of our core values at KSB is to be client-centered.  We literally have it posted on the wall in both our Lincoln and our Sioux Falls offices.  But what exactly does that mean to the school districts we represent?  In part, it means that we work really hard to be responsive when you need us.  As technology has changed over the last ten years, we have noticed that some clients call the office, then call our cells, then text us and then email us.  Being a school administrator or board member is hard enough--we want to make it simple  for everyone to contact us.  We want to make your jobs easier!  Here is how best to contact us and get the quickest response. 

Phone Calls.

  1. Call either the office or our cell phones.  Our office phones are linked to our cell phones, so you can call either number, but you don’t have to call both.  If you don’t have our cell numbers, there is a PDF provided at the end of the post with everyone’s digits.  (Rule - don’t spam us with GIFs or terrible memes unless they are delightfully funny).  Also, if you are flexible with who you would like to speak with, don’t hesitate to ask for or reach out to an associate.  They are equally as funny as Karen/Steve/Bobby.  [From Steve: “harumph”]   

  2. Leave a message if you want a call back.  If you don’t leave a voicemail, we assume you called one of the other folks in the office or decided to shoot us an email or text.  


  1. We text!  Feel free to use our cell phone numbers to text us.

  2. Shari texts!  If it is an emergency and no one has answered the phone, shoot Shari a text.  She always knows where we are and can bust down the door of the conference room if she needs to do it.  


  1. To get the quickest possible answer, use the email address.  It will go to everyone in the office (including Shari, who always knows our whereabouts).  

  2. If you have e-mailed any of us and not received some sort of response in 48 hours, you should follow-up with our office.  We have had cases where a client’s email was misdelivered, sent to SPAM, or simply did not come through.  

Sharing Documents.   

  1. We Love Google Docs.  We are a Google office and can access drives and documents that you share with us on these platforms.  We will also share documents with you using the Google platform if that works for you and your district. 

  2. If you don’t use Google, scans are the best way to provide us with copies of documents.  That allows us to access the documents no matter where we are. 

  3. U.S. Mail also works.  We maintain all of your files electronically, so all of the documents turn into scans anyway.  (We know this is shocking as lawyers loooovvveeee paper.) 

  4. We can send and receive faxes.  If we have to.  But it isn’t 1996 anymore.  (Even though the title implies we use pagers, we are sad to report we left those in 1996 as well with the fax machines.)  

Social Media.  

  1. Social media is not a good way to receive legal advice.  We bow to no one in our love for social media.  If you think you should be able to contact your lawyer via Snapchat, Twitter, or Instagram (or the new and trendy Threads), congratulations on being a millennial administrator or school board member!  Otherwise, please enjoy our social media posts for interesting articles, jokes about Bobby, and pictures of our kids and/or dogs, but please don’t use them to ask us legal questions. 

Feel free to share this with other members of your board or administrative team.  Then you can show us what you’ve learned by (spamming our cell phones with GIFs) communicating any questions via call/email/text as appropriate.  For a downloadable PDF with all of the KSB crew’s contact information which you can save and consult as needed, please click here