Curriculum & Academic Matters
The series memo guides you through the KSB policies, while each individual policy is listed in its own Word document.
Each link will download an editable Word document for your board to review, modify, and adopt.
6005 - Academic Credits and Graduation
6009 - Grade Placement and Academic Credits of Transfer Students
6011 - Fire Instruction and Prevention
6012 - Flag Display and Patriotic Observances
6013 - Teaching Controversial Issues
6014 - School Attendance on Days of Scheduled Activities
6016 - Homebound and Off-Campus Instruction
6019 - [Intentionally Left Blank]
6020 - Multicultural Education
6022 - [Intentionally Left Blank]
6023 - [Intentionally Left Blank]
6024 - [Intentionally Left Blank]
6025 - Student Cell Phone and Other Electronic Devices
6028 - The Extracurricular Activities Program
6030 - Public Appearances of School Groups
6032 - Constitution Day Education
6001 - School Organization - No Changes
6002 - School Calendar - No Changes
6003 - Instructional Program - REDLINE
6004 - Curriculum Development - REDLINE
6005 - Academic Credits and Graduation - No Changes
6006 - Commencement Ceremony - REDLINE
6007 - Senior Recognition - No Changes
6008 - Class Rank - No Changes
6009 - Grade Placement and Academic Credits of Transfer Students - REDLINE
6010 - Special Education - REDLINE
6011 - Fire Instruction and Prevention - No Changes
6012 - Flag Display and Patriotic Observances - REDLINE
6013 - Teaching Controversial Issues - No Changes
6014 - School Attendance on Days of Scheduled Activities - REDLINE
6015 - Summer School - REDLINE
6016 - Homebound and Off-Campus Instruction - REDLINE
6017 - Homework - No Changes
6019 - [Intentionally Left Blank]
6020 - Multicultural Education - No Changes
6021 - District Criteria for Selecting Evaluators to be Used for Special Education Evaluation and Verification and Independent Educational Evaluations - No Changes
6022 - [Intentionally Left Blank]
6023 - [Intentionally Left Blank]
6024 - [Intentionally Left Blank]
6025 - Student Cell Phone and Other Electronic Devices - REDLINE
6026 - Emergency Dismissal - REDLINE
6027 - Field Trips - No Changes
6028 - The Extracurricular Activities Program - REDLINE
6029 - Activity Trips - REDLINE
6030 - Public Appearances of School Groups - REDLINE
6031 - Emergency Exclusion - No Changes
6032 - Constitution Day Education - No Changes
6033 - Seclusion and Restraint of Students - No Changes
6034 - Concussion Awareness - No Changes
6035 - Athletic Contest Participation by Sixth Graders - No Changes