KSB Webinar Series 2020-2021

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Save the Dates! KSB will again be hosting a webinar series for the 2020-2021 school year. The dates and topics are as follows:

Negotiations:  September 15, 2020 -- Know When To Hold Em’, Know When to Fold Em’: Don’t Gamble on your Negotiation Preparation

You don’t have to be Kenny Rogers to know that you never count your money when you’re sitting at the table.  Instead, it's important that you go to the negotiating table fully informed, with a sound strategy driven by concrete goals and reliable data.  This presentation will highlight how comparability studies, strategy sessions, and familiarity with the state of labor law and labor negotiations in Nebraska can help your District go to the table with an ace in the hole.  The presentation will be recorded, so if you sign up you can share it with your board members and/or negotiations committee if they can’t attend live, as well.

Personnel:  December 1, 2020 -- Based on a True Story...

We get it; you didn’t go into education to crush peoples’ dreams.  School administrators are quick to identify areas of strength, and reluctant to be too harsh in giving feedback.  Unfortunately, when it comes to personnel matters, this can leave you unable to share the full story when it comes time to make staffing decisions.  This session will review personnel documentation and advise on best practices for communicating with staff about their job performance.  Whether you want to move a staff member from “good to great’ or from “bad to gone,” the strategies and examples in this session will help you be a more effective administrator.  YOU are the author of this story, and it's never too late for a plot-twist.  This presentation will help you write evaluations and improvement plans like Tolkien, discuss leave like Hemingway, and navigate personnel nightmares like Poe.

Special Education:  February 9, 2021 -- Times, They Are a-Changin’  

Since the Supreme Court issued its opinions in Fry and Endrew F. in 2017, the law and landscape of special education law has changed dramatically.  Since that time, special education litigation has only continued to increase, and courts have been grappling with these new standards and applying them to novel fact patterns and difficult questions of law.  As always, we’ve seen trends that started on the coasts work their way to the heartland, with an increase in requests for independent educational evaluations and specialized placements.  Oh, and then there was that whole global pandemic thing, which acted as a stress test on an already strained, under-funded system and put a spotlight on areas of technical compliance.  Unfortunately, the hits are likely to keep coming, and it's important for all school administrators as well as those specifically working in special education to be prepared for these continuing challenges. This presentation will take the lessons we’ve learned over the past few years and apply them to the issues you should expect to see going forward. 

Students:  March 30, 2021 -- Kids These Days

With the Class of 2033 in their seats (or screens) for the first year of the rest of their lives, even Jordan, at the ripe old age of 26, feels old.  We’ve been doing this a long time (just ask Karen!) but the youth of America still find ways to surprise and challenge us.  And don’t get us started about “snowplow” parents.  From new and interesting ways to violate the code of conduct to novel requests for accommodations, it's tough to stay on top of it all.  This presentation will highlight the most pressing issues in fulfilling the needs of Generation Zoom, while discussing practical solutions and strategies to get you ready for the Class of 2034.