Q&A with KSB, Summer Fun Edition!


When: Thursday, July 8, 2021 at 10:00 AM CDT

Where: ZOOM (Click this link to join!). Note--we will also record the Q&A and make it available for those who can't join on Thursday.

Who: This is designed for school administrators, including principals and special education staff, and any board members interested in these issues. Please do us a favor and share this email/post or the Zoom link with new administrators to your districts who may not have their new email addresses subscribed to our blog posts and updates. Note, you can subscribe on behalf of others by entering their email addresses or forward them the following link where they can input their email address on the right hand side of the page: https://www.ksbschoollaw.com/blog

What: We’re going to cover several topics to get you up to date on legal developments and then answer your questions as best we can.  Some of the topics we plan to cover:

  • NDE Guidance Memo re lowering the age of transition services under the IDEA and Rule 51 (yes, invite your special education staff to attend!)

  • ESSER III in all its glory--practical advice for complying with the requirements of the law and regulations, forming compliant Continuity and ARP ESSER plans, getting stakeholder input, Davis-Bacon and federal construction and procurement requirements, etc.

  • BL v. Mahanoy, and what (if anything) changed when it comes to disciplining students for off-campus misconduct

  • Your questions!